Partnership Opportunities with the NWIGCSA in 2016. Please refer to the following document for the complete list of partnership opportunities for the 2016 season. Please note that the pricing listed in the following opportunities is only valid until Jan 1, 2016.
2016 NWIGCSA Partnership Opportunities .pdf
We have included a listing of the 2016 NWIGCSA Meeting Site locations. *Meeting locations are subject to change. If there is a change we will notify Membership via the website, and any Vendors via email.
Meeting Sites - 2016.pdf
UPDATE: We have included a web-data report for our website usage. This report show the amount of traffic that our website receives from Membership and can be used to determine the value that advertising may offer for your company
NWIGSCA Website Data Report.pdf
"To elevate the profession and to enrich the quality of golf and the environment."